We believe that everything done in moderation makes life whole, when we feel whole we can live well.

Hannah was inspired to start the centre by her own floatation journey. A transformative float during a difficult pregnancy made her research and realise the full healing potential of floatation and sensory deprivation, motivating her to create a space for people to float in Oxfordshire.

Hannah’s own experience with pain management through floatation and the benefits she felt during and after her pregnancy extended through physical and mental health, giving her a deep sense of spiritual peace. The simplicity of this therapy is the crux of its effectiveness – by lying back and relaxing into the supportive float of the warm water, we are forced to reconcile with the stress and buzz of ever day life, finding peace in the here and now.

Throughout the ages our ancestors have respected and revered water for its cleansing and purifying power and its crucial, life-giving abilities. We are made of 98% water, and we develop in the womb floating suspended within our mother. Studies have shown that water holds memory, and its energetic field has drawn mankind to it for millennia through religious rituals, mythology, folklore and sheer necessity.

At Mederi, we deeply believe in the healing properties of water. A lot of time is spent ensuring the levels of Epsom salts in each tank are perfect – this creates what we call a “double cuddle” as the buoyancy of the salty water holds your body in alignment so that, as you relax, your body is gently settled into ideal natural posture.

During the 1 hour of your float, your subconscious mind can create new pathways, facilitating a deep meditative mindset as the brain emits soothing Theta waves. The experience of floatation often gives you what you truly need, reconnecting people with themselves, and every float is different in some way. Hannah has seen people from all walks of life benefit from floatation in different ways. From artists, writers, and creatives; to expectant mums and pain management clients; and athletes at the top of their game or recovering from an injury. 

Over the past 5 years, Hannah’s expertise and experience has led Mederi to its next chapter - so why not come and see what floatation, infrared sauna and massage can offer for you?


  1. heal, cure

  2. remedy, assuage, comfort, amend

Float Therapy

Enjoy 60 minutes of deep relaxation with no distractions. 

Infrared yoga Sauna

Try some gentle stretching in our new infrared Yoga Sauna.

Weyron Massage Chair

Take the weight off and relax in our anti-gravity massage chair.