3 Ways To Boost Your Mood This Holiday Season…
3 ways to boost your mood this festive season…
Reduce the Pressure…
Relieve pain and sleep better
Shop local to your area and minimise the big corporate purchases (if you can)
Is inflammation in your body getting you down?
So many of our clients visit Mederi because of the detrimental impact inflammation has on them, but what is inflammation and how does it start?
Childhood Anxiety - Ways we can help.
With an increase in children suffering with anxiety and poor sleep health we've decided to drop the age children can float at our centre.
7 Reasons You Need to Snatch Your Sleep Back to Improve Your Health…
7 Reasons You Need To Snatch Your Sleep Back!
Massage infused Craniosacral Therapy
Where healing, balancing, and restoring occur, miracles seem to sparkle :)