Sensory Enhancement

Have you ever floated?

How was the experience for you?

Scientific research with float tank therapy generally uses the term "flotation-REST"  ( REST: Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy)  to refer to the modality.

“The flotation-REST term is preferred over "sensory deprivation" due to the fact that the float tank experience actually enhanced sensory input from the body (e.g., cardiorespiratory sensations) and can also be conceptualized as a form of sensory enhancement and the term "sensory deprivation" carries negative connotations of torture and hallucinations that have likely impeded legitimate research in this field.” – according to the all-knowing Wikipedia.


Lets see, what was Dr John C. Lilly` perspective:

“His University of Pennsylvania led him to look at the physic and biophysics of physical stimulation. He realized that short of cutting the nerves going to the brain, to study the brain/mind relationship it was necessary to isolate the body from external stimuli. The easy ones were sound, light, motion. More difficult was the effect of gravity: the stagnation of blood flow to the skin and muscles supporting whatever posture, evident by tossing and turning, shifting from foot to foot, and so on. Also difficult to control were the temperature differences; the air flow over the body that cools those parts exposed to it. “  - Floating in quiet darkness by Lee and Gleen Perry


So there is the main key for the pods: reduced external stimulant as much as possible and you will find yourself in stillness.

 In our fast-paced world, the norm has become constant activity, which is actually not natural for humans. Traditionally, connecting with our inner stillness was effortless, but nowadays it's seen as unusual.
Inside the pod, as you achieve stillness, you may feel subtle movements within your body or even beyond.
By being curious, you open yourself up to experiences that go beyond our usual senses. This tranquillity offers a chance for your body and mind to reset without any effort required on your part.

After spending an hour in the pod, you'll notice a greater sense of calm.
With regular use, you may discover increased creativity, organization, connection, and heightened senses compared to before.




Dr. John C. Lilly is the pioneer of float tanks, inspiring Lee and Gleen Perry to make tanks for home use.

What is Stress?


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